How To Fix a Rear-View Mirror? (7 Easy Steps)

At times we see that the rearview mirror fell off which creates a problem for the driver. The rear visibility of your car gets reduced if the rearview mirror falls off. In case you have not secured the rearview mirror to the roofs by making use of screws, then it will glue to the windshield. With time your rear-view mirror comes out.

There are lots of reasons why the rearview mirror comes off. It can be direct sun rays, persistent vibration, bumping with the head, jerking at the time of adjustment, or crashing.

It’s quite apparent that you must be thinking about how to fix a rear-view mirror? No need to worry at all. In this piece of writing, I will discuss the efficient ways which will allow you to fix a broken rear-view mirror properly.

What is a rearview mirror?

A rear-view mirror (or rearview mirror) is a flat mirror in automobiles and other vehicles, designed to allow the driver to see rearward through the vehicle’s rear window (rear windshield).

In cars, the rear-view mirror is usually affixed to the top of the windshield on a double-swivel mount allowing it to be adjusted to suit the height and viewing angle of any driver and to swing harmlessly out of the way if impacted by a vehicle occupant in a collision.

The rear-view mirror is augmented by one or more side-view mirrors, which serve as the only rear-vision mirrors on trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles.

How To Fix a Rear-View Mirror

How To Fix a Rear-View Mirror?

Unless your rearview mirror is secured with screws to the roof, it is glued to the windshield. While the glue is certainly good quality, it has a bad habit of falling off over time. Regular strong glue might hold for a little while, but you really need the right stuff.

Cleanliness is the key to a proper installation. Most rearview mirror repair kits only come with the glue components, some come with a replacement metal glue-on tab, but you still need a couple of items to get the job done right, namely a razor blade.

If used properly, a razor blade won’t scratch the glass, but be careful as you could cut yourself pretty bad. Don’t forget to clean the mounting tab (if you are reusing it), as all the old glue needs to be removed as well.

The kit we used comes with a new tab, but the car we are working on does not use the slide-on style, rather a metal tab with a ball mount for the mirror. It was cleaned with a razor blade and reused.

The Rearview repair kit has two glue components, the adhesive itself, and a cleaner\primer for the glass. The package splits in half, making a clean holder for the towelette inside. Don’t get the primer on your skin if you can avoid it. Wipe the glass and wait two minutes.

The glue is a special high-strength glue that is designed for glass. Just a small drop on the mirror mount is enough.

Press the tab onto the glass and hold it for one minute. Allow the tab to sit for at least 15 minutes before mounting the mirror.

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Once the 15 minutes is up, you can reinstall the mirror. Now you can reinstall the mirror. All done!

How To Fix a Rear-View Mirror That Fell Off?

If you’re an experienced automotive DIYer, you can reattach your rearview mirror yourself. The best way to attach a rearview mirror usually involves these steps:

Gather the Materials Needed for the Fix

Get a rear view mirror adhesive kit from a local auto parts store or order it online if you’re not in a hurry. You’ll also need a window cleaner, an allen wrench, and a razor blade.

Remove the Rear View Mirror’s Metal Tab

The rear view mirror has a metal tab at the back that attaches to the windshield. It’s where the mirror is mounted.

Loosen and remove the tab using an allen wrench. After detaching the tab, remove any adhesive or glue residue using a razor blade or a similar tool.

Remember that rear view mirrors can be structured differently. So if this procedure doesn’t work for you, you might have to search for additional information online or consult a mechanic.

Mark the Outside of the Windshield

Place a piece of tape outside the windshield to mark the rear view mirror’s exact location. It will serve as a guide when you reattach your rearview mirror.

Clean Your Windshield’s Interior Side

Remove old adhesive residue with a razor blade and apply window cleaner afterward. Most adhesive kits come with a small towel that you can use to clean dirt or remove adhesive residue.

Put Glue On the Metal Tab

Apply glue or adhesive to the metal tab. Read and follow the instructions that come with your adhesive kit.

Attach the Metal Tab to the Windshield

After applying adhesive, attach the metal tab to the windshield. Align it to the area where you placed the tape, press it down for a couple of minutes, and put a piece of tape on it.

Again, don’t forget to read the instructions on your adhesive kit. The process might vary depending on the adhesive.

Mount Your Rear-View Mirror Again

Once you’re sure that the metal tab is securely glued to the windshield, mount your rear view mirror again. Don’t forget to remove the tape outside the windshield.

Make sure to secure the mirror properly. You can use an allen screw or any similar fastening tool to secure your mirror in place. This will depend on the structure of the actual mirror you’re installing.

How To Fix a Rear-View Mirror That Is Loose?

The Rearview mirror is often adjusted, especially if the car is driven by several people. This will cause the mirror ball joint to loosen up, but there are a couple of ways to tighten it.

The exact method will vary depending on your vehicle, and if none of the factory-installed methods is applicable, I’ll also provide some DIY methods to solve the problem.

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1. Tighten The Screw Underneath the Mirror

Some vehicles have a fixed mirror stand and a ball joint that attaches directly to the mirror. Inspect the mirror from underneath, where the flip tab is located. On some models, you’ll find a hex or Phillip’s head screw to tighten and get the mirror back in action.

2. Tighten The Screw Inside the Base of The Roof

In some models, the mirror and the rod have a solid connection, with the ball joint connection located within the roof. You’ll have to figure out how to remove the plastic shroud to gain access to the adjustment screw. After that, it’s just a matter of using the right screwdriver to tighten the ball joint.

3. Tighten The Screw Within the Mirror

If you can’t locate the tightening screw beneath the mirror or within the base, the last place to look is inside the mirror. At this point, I’d suggest looking up the exact method for your make & model, as disassembling the mirror unnecessarily can only cause more harm than good.

Once you’re sure there’s a tightening screw inside, carefully pull off the mirror to gain access to the screw.

How to Replace a Rearview Mirror?

You can find a generic replacement mirror at your local auto parts store, but these kits vary significantly, and may or may not include replacement supplies.

As such if needed, also purchase a rearview mirror replacement kit – which usually includes the adhesive, cleaning supplies, and hardware.

Source a Replacement Mirror

Usually, you cannot replace just the mirror glass; you must replace the entire unit. If your mirror uses auto-dimming glass or electrochromic technology, look for an OEE replacement mirror from your local car dealer.

If your vehicle doesn’t use this technology, many generic rearview mirrors are compatible with different makes and models.

Check Compatibility

Carefully open the packaging as you might need to return the mirror. Take out the mirror and check to see whether it will fit at the needed angle on your windshield by placing it near your old mirror. Also check to ensure that you can adjust for proper visibility.

Remove Old Mirror

  • Apply a small piece of masking tape on the exterior of the glass to mark the original mounting location.
  • Unplug the wiring harness if the mirror uses one for an electronic compass or dimming feature.
  • Remove the mirror from the glass-mounted hardware – look for a screw to remove or a clip to slide it off.
  • Install the new mirror, attach any wires, and tighten mounting hardware.

If you need to install new mirror mounting hardware to the glass

Use a heat gun or blow dryer to soften the adhesive that holds the mounting hardware to the glass.

Apply heat to the interior of the windshield where the mirror hardware is mounted and gently wiggle the mount free. You may need a helper to heat the glass while you remove the hardware. Note: Too much heat will break the windshield, so exercise caution.

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You may need to use a thin piece of piano wire or fishing line to break the bond between the glass and the mirror mount. Work the wire/line between the glass and the mirror mount using a flossing motion to break it free.

Only apply force parallel to the glass, don’t try and tear the hardware off or it might bring a piece of glass with it.

Prep Surface

Remove old adhesive with a single edge razor blade using care to not scratch the glass.  Wipe the surface clean with a rag and glass cleaner and allow it to dry before proceeding. If your windshield replacement kit came with any cleaning or prep wipes, use them now.

Install the Mirror

Not all kits are the same; follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely.

If the kit comes with an activator, apply it to the windshield and the mounting hardware. Allow the activator to dry for a few minutes if needed.

Apply the glue to the mirror mounting hardware, not the windshield itself. Use the tape you placed on the exterior of the windshield to find the original mounting location and install the mirror mount. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for glue cure times.

Once the glue is fully cured, install your new rearview mirror

Why You Shouldn’t Drive if Your Rearview Mirror Falls Off

Driving without a rearview mirror not only presents a plethora of possible safety hazards, but it’s also illegal in many jurisdictions.

Potential consequences include:

  • Limited visibility: The rearview mirror provides crucial visibility of vehicles approaching from behind. Without it, your decision-making can become impaired as you may attempt to switch lanes or quickly stop without a proper assessment of the traffic behind you.
  • Reduced Awareness: You’ll likely need to turn your head away from the road in front of you to evaluate the scene behind you without a rearview mirror. This diverts your attention away from potential hazards that can increase the likelihood of a collision.
  • Compromised safety in reversing: While a rearview mirror primarily assists with monitoring traffic behind you while driving forward, it’s also essential for reversing safely. Your ability to see obstacles behind you is severely diminished without it, exacerbating the risk of backing into another vehicle or pedestrian.
  • Legal requirement: In many areas, driving without a rearview mirror is illegal and could result in fines or penalties if caught by law enforcement. For example, in California, you can receive a  fine, with more penalties potentially added on by the specific city or county.

How Much Does a Rear View Mirror Replacement Cost?

A rear view mirror will cost you around $20 to $50. If you’re not doing the installation yourself, you’ll also have to consider labor costs.

Some rear view mirrors are more expensive because they have additional features. For example, expect to spend anywhere between $100 and $300 if you’re looking for an auto-dimming rear view mirror replacement.